Fabio Cominotti
July 13, 2017
Artifact Rationale Statements



Candidates demonstrate the knowledge necessary to create, use, assess, and manage theoretical and practical applications of educational technologies and processes.


1.1 Creating: Candidates demonstrate the ability to create instructional materials and learning environments using a variety of systems approaches.

EDTECH 522: Screen Writing – Module Two, The Scene 

In EDTECH 522, I created a module to a screen writing course that details the scene.  This module uses a workshop approach in an online classroom.  The focus of a workshop course is creating something – in this case writing a scene from a screen play – and then getting together and discussing what was done well and what areas could be improved upon from a standpoint of craft.

This type of course can be very beneficial and usually develops a strong sense of community and collaboration.  The challenge with an online variant is that the natural community struggles to form and asynchronous discussions sometimes lose the impact that a synchronous one has.

To compensate for this, I used a couple different systems approaches using different software and electronic resources.  I provided resources using online videos and documents.  I also created a Facebook group for the workshop sessions to take place in.  The Facebook group helps to overcome the asynchronous discussion pitfall as it allows for synchronous, instantaneous discussion that models a face to face session.  I also used a new technology called Plotagon that creates computer graphic scenes based upon screen plays scenes written by the students.  Plotagon generates videos that the students share.  The approach of sharing a creation after discussing and workshopping further creates the sense of community.

These differing systems approaches using conventional online instructional methods and new methods for facilitating discussions and sharing demonstrate my ability to create instructional materials and environments with a variety of approaches because various tools were used to create a strong learning environment as well as unique materials to help students learn.


1.2 Using: Candidates demonstrate the ability to select and use technological resources and processes to support student learning and to enhance their pedagogy.

EDTECH 502: Writing About Nature mQuest

EDTECH 502: MLA Jigsaw Activity

Amongst the various activities that I created in EDTECH 502, the Writing about Nature mQuest and MLA Jigsaw Activity best demonstrated the criteria for indicator 1.2.

The mQuest sends students on a hike in nature to find and identify various elements of nature including animals, plants, and geological formations.  They are required to carry a mobile device to record notes (a printout is available as well), take photos, and use to research what they find.  They use web resources, including Google search, to identify and a learn and then use a Facebook private group to upload photos, descriptions, and reflections about their hike.  The use of technology on this type of assignment allows for students to engage with their environment in much more immediate environment and compose writing on the spot which is the real purpose of the activity.  It supports their learning as they have their mobile device to assist them.  It also fosters collaboration and community as they interact with each other’s work via the Facebook group.

The MLA Jigsaw Activity puts students into groups and provides them with websites and other resources online to research MLA style.  They work in a group, research, and then create some instruction to relate to the other groups what they learned.  Each group has different areas of MLA to research.  The technology resources in this lesson provide students with interactive examples of what they are learning about and allows them to strengthen their sense of community through collaboration.

These two activities demonstrate my competency to select and use technological resources to support learning by providing resources and deliberate processes for students to use, learn, and build community.


1.3 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates demonstrate the ability to assess and evaluate the effective integration of appropriate technologies and instructional materials.

EDTECH 501: Technology Use Plan

As educators, we must be aware of what we use in our classrooms and schools.  Technology is an important part of the modern classroom and has powerful potential benefits to learning and student achievement.  It also has some possibilities for detriment.  Because of this, we must plan carefully and evaluate the use of technology in our schools.  EDTECH 501 afforded me the opportunity to create and propose a Technology Use Plan for my then current school district about a structured, planned implementation of potentially beneficial technology districtwide.  It was not a specific plan for specific technology, but rather a process for which we could identify, discover, and evaluate new technologies to integrate and fill instructional needs within our district.  The steps in my proposal demonstrate an understanding of the need to plan and evaluate the use and implementation of technology.  It also demonstrates the iterative process.  It includes pros use, assessing staff comfort and proficiency levels, evaluating its effectiveness, and processes for making changes if and as needed.  It also demonstrates the continuing evaluation process on regular basis.


1.4 Managing: Candidates demonstrate the ability to effectively manage people, processes, physical infrastructures, and financial resources to achieve predetermined goals.   

EDTECH 505: Evaluation Report – The Phase II Project

In EDTECH 505, I designed and supervised The Phase II Project for a customer service call center where I trained new and existing employees.  The project involved creating new instruction to supplement new agents as they spent their first five weeks taking calls outside of the training environment.

On this project, I was the lead on a small team of five other people consisting of three trainers, one team leader, and one quality assurance representative.  I had to manage time and people as we created the curriculum and processes as we rolled out the program to three groups of new hire agents that had just completed classroom and on-the-job training.  We had a budget that could not be exceeded.  It was a challenge in the end since most of the budget was used on curriculum development.

Finally, I supervised the data collection, analysis, and evaluation of this project to determine is if met the objectives.  Ultimately the program was successful, but was modified as it was incorporated into the test facilities and other call centers within the company.

The Phase II Project and Evaluation Report demonstrate my ability to manage a team, make sure the correct procedures are followed within the parameters of the company and to manage a budget.


1.5 Ethics: Candidates demonstrate the contemporary professional ethics of the field as defined and developed by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

EDTECH 502: Copyright and Fair Use Scavenger Hunt

EDTECH 502: Color Blindness Accessibility Links Page

Ethics are important in any field.  In education, the use of copyrighted materials and the fair use of them are an issue that comes up frequently.  Accessibility has long been an area of concern for face to face facilities and it’s becoming a big issue in the online world as well as the areas that need to be accessible are different than in a face to face world.

EDTECH 502 gave me the opportunity to create two projects that demonstrated my understanding of contemporary ethics.  The Copyright and Fair Use Scavenger Hunt is an activity for teachers and students alike that teaches about copyright and what is considered fair use.  The Color Blindness Accessibility Links Page is a curated list of resources for designing media, instruction, and other material for people suffering from color blindness.  It also has some tools that can aid in design.  Color blindness is a big issue that affects all aspects of online courses and teaching.  If it’s not considered, many students would not be able to take full advantage of content.

Both projects demonstrate my adherence to established ethical procedures and practices within the field of educational technology by showing my understanding of two key areas of ethical behavior.



Candidates develop as reflective practitioners able to demonstrate effective implementation of educational technologies and processes based on contemporary content and pedagogy.


2.1 Creating: Candidates apply content pedagogy to create appropriate applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and performance outcomes.  

EDTECH 521: The Interior Landscape – Asynchronous Lesson 

In EDTECH 521, I created a module of a course designed to teach students about interiority called, The lesson, Interior Monologue. Interiority is a concept in writing that deals with how a writer expresses the interior thoughts of characters when writing and makes the reader feel as if he is in the character’s mind. The lesson uses an LMS to organize the content and makes use of various resources from online videos to online documents revolved around writing and character depiction through internal thought and action (especially how the thought and action interact).  It demonstrates my ability to apply pedagogy to create appropriate applications of process and technologies because it applies technology like the introductory video and other learning resources to create instruction.  It also requires students to research on their own via the internet and encourages them to use video, online presentations, and other tools to reflect and create their own interpretation of what they have learned.  All of these aspects show content pedagogy driving creation of resources and activities in various technologies.


2.2 Using: Candidates implement appropriate educational technologies and processes based on appropriate content pedagogy.

EDTECH 503: Citing Sources Correctly Using APA Style – ID Project

In EDTECH 503, I designed a module about citing sources in APA style that can be used in any course that incorporates APA style.  I felt that it was an important concept for students to learn and have since incorporated it into various courses.  It’s also something that is relevant and that I have and will continue to use in my online courses.  At the time, this was the most comprehensive planning that I had ever completed for a course.  I designed a needs assessment, created task analyses and flow charts, and learner materials.  I also created an instructor guide and task flowcharts.  I chose appropriate technologies for the tasks and objectives to best help students learn how to cite sources and why it is important.

The ID project demonstrates how I implemented appropriate technologies and processes like the needs assessment, task analysis, and evaluation plans to implement a learning module that is important not only in the language arts content area but in the sciences as well since it stresses ethical citation of outside work in synthesized student work.


2.3 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates demonstrate an inquiry process that assesses the adequacy of learning and evaluates the instruction and implementation of educational technologies and processes grounded in reflective practice.  

EDTECH 503: Evaluation Plan and Report, ID Project

The Evaluation Report of the Phase II Project completed in EDTECH 505 involved determining needs, finding solutions to fill those needs, collecting data, planning for and implementing evaluation strategies, and creating assessment surveys and methods.  The whole project was a lot of work for me and my team.  We started with a needs assessment to see what area might best benefit from some additional training.  After determining the areas to target, we designed instruction targeted to areas that seemed the most in need and a plan to implement it.  Before implementation we devised plans for evaluation and date collection as well as refining our objectives and success criteria.

This report demonstrates my competency in using an inquiry process to assess the adequacy of learning, instructional materials, and instruction.  It also demonstrates my competency in evaluation the instruction and implementation.  During the project, the focus was to evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of the learning created for The Phase II Project.  It was designed to be iterative so that the team and future team leads could reflect upon what needs to change and what is working as intended as well as a process to implement changes when needed.


2.4 Managing: Candidates manage appropriate technological processes and resources to provide supportive learning communities, create flexible and diverse learning environments, and develop and demonstrate appropriate content pedagogy.  

EDTECH 512: Memoire – Blending the Lines Between What Happened and Imagination

EDTECH 512 was all about designing an online course and as such was one of my favorite courses.  I designed a Memoire course entitled, Blending the Lines Between What Happened and Imagination.  In the course, various elements come together to create a unique experience.  Traditionally, this type of writing workshop course is generally successful.  It allows for diversity of thought, intense discussions about craft and a strong sense of community and collaboration amongst its participants.  In an online course, the challenge is to create that same cohesiveness and collaboration without the physical, face to face meeting.

The success of the workshop courses depends on the sense of comradery and community that develop during meetings and discussions of student work by the students in the course.  Creating this comradery and community in an online world needs to include appropriate technological processes and resources.  I used a Facebook group to simulate the synchronous discussion sessions that are the core of a workshop course.  This will help to develop a supporting learning community and bring the students together as they share their writing and experiences.

Through the use of planning processes including technology planning, evaluation of resources, learning goals and tasks, and learner characteristics, I created a strong course that makes use of technologies like Facebook groups, Slide Share Presentations, and online video, I created a learning environment that has the potential to achieve the same level of success as a traditional writing workshop.


2.5 Ethics: Candidates design and select media, technology, and processes that emphasize the diversity of our society as a multicultural community.   

EDTECH 543: Space, the MOOC

Space, the MOOC was a massively online open course that I designed and created in collaboration with a colleague from EDTECH 543.  This course was designed for any learner from any age group or background.  It’s open and available for anyone with an interest in the subject matter, Space and Astronomy. The course takes a variety of approaches to be inclusive and allow everyone to bring their strengths to the group.  With the use of blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Diigo and other social technologies, it allows for a worldwide meeting of like minds from a diverse selection of backgrounds, regions, and age ranges.

The structure of the course is group based employing elements from communities of practice (COP).  Typically, COPs involve professional organizations, but in this case it uses the common interest and common goals aspects of COPs.  The course allows participants to choose their course of study and material that they study based upon their interest.  They are then grouped based upon common interests and selections.  The groups then work together to learn and share what they have learned with each other.  By design, it will allow group members to meet, get to know each other, and collaborate with others from different backgrounds and regions.  The design, allowing these multi-cultural interactions, demonstrate indicator 2.5 and shows design including technology and processes that emphasize and incorporate different cultures.



Candidates facilitate learning by creating, using, evaluating, and managing effective learning environments.


3.1 Creating: Candidates create instructional design products based on learning principles and research-based best practices.

EDTECH 513: Formatting Book Entries for an MLA Works Cited Page – Multimedia Instruction

EDTECH 513 provided many opportunities to create resources for lessons and lessons themselves.  One of the projects required the creation of instruction using multimedia.  I created a lesson called, Formatting Book Entries for an MLA Works Cited Page.  This lesson used a presentation housed in Google Slides and incorporated various forms of multimedia to create instruction to assist students in learning about creating works cited page entries for the MLA style.  I used a combination of textual, graphical, and auditory information to weave together the instruction.  Best practices in message design were used to make sure that each slide was optimal to impart the intended instructional message.  The lesson was designed to be used in multiple courses and I have used it with my students at Idaho Digital Learning on many occasions in my Language Arts and Speech courses.  This lesson demonstrates the creating indicator in standard 3 by implementing design best practices that were developed based upon the study of learning and learning principles because I utilized current theory and practices to minimize distraction on slides and balance the use of all three learning channels to maximize learning.


3.2 Using: Candidates make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate processes and resources to provide optimal conditions for learning based on principles, theories, and effective practices.  

EDTECH 523: Building Relationships on a Call – Synchronous Lesson

The lesson, Building Relationships on a Call was created as a synchronous lesson example for EDTECH 523.  As a trainer, I also used the lesson at the customer service call center where I was employed.  This was my first opportunity to create instruction for the call center and I employed elements within Adobe Connect to facilitate learning.  Adobe Connect has many features to make the instruction interactive like polling, web tours, and notes pods.  I incorporated these into the lesson as a means to draw the trainees in.

This lesson was designed to be delivered in a face to face classroom with a full set of computers with access to the internet and in a virtual work from home environment where agents and trainers were working from home offices across the United States and Canada.

The modules and lesson plan involved activities and information delivered in a way to maximize learning and minimize distraction.  It demonstrates my ability to make professionally sound decisions in selecting processes and resources in that the activity decisions and delivery methods were based upon research based practices that give learners different ways to interact with the curriculum and peers to maximize learning and attention.


3.3 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates use multiple assessment strategies to collect data for informing decisions to improve instructional practice, learner outcomes, and the learning environment.    

EDTECH 505: Evaluation Report – The Phase II Project

The Phase II Project Evaluation Report include mechanisms for data collection that included raw metric data that the call center routinely used to assess agent performance, statistical data derived from the collected metrics, and survey data collected from the three test groups and a control group.

The data was collected at specific intervals and compared to data of the same interval in control groups that were not part of the process.  The data collection and analysis was the main criteria used to determine if the project met its intended outcomes.  It was also the main criteria used to evaluate if the project was successful or not.

The evaluation and assessment of this project demonstrates my competency to use multiple assessment strategies to collect data for informing decisions to improve instruction, outcomes, and the learning environment because the data collected was from different sources and used to assess each test group individually, the created instruction and the project as a whole.  The analysis was used to adjust the curriculum to increase learner outcomes throughout the call center and the company.


3.4 Managing: Candidates establish mechanisms for maintaining the technology infrastructure to improve learning and performance.

EDTECH 501: Technology Use Plan – Bighorn County School District #4

The Technology Use Plan that I created for Bighorn County School District #4 during EDTECH 501 is a good demonstration of indicator 3.4.  In the plan, I designed a long term approach to technology planning.  I proposed the establishment of a process in which new technology could be planned for, implemented, and evaluated on an ongoing basis.  The plan was district wide and would encompass any major technological implementation.  Part of the plan was an evaluation cycle in which the focus was to evaluate if the technology was beneficial to learning and what steps might need to be taken to enhance its value.  The plan also included a model in which the plan itself was evaluated.  The proposed infrastructure was designed for use in any classroom and any school in the district.  Needs assessment instruments were built in and a procedure for planning and meeting of various committees was established.  At the time of my departure from the district, the plan was undergoing revision and evaluation as it should with any good process.

The methods, processes, and cycles provide a good demonstration of my abilities to manage mechanisms and maintain the technology procedure on an organizational basis.


3.5 Ethics: Candidates foster a learning environment in which ethics guide practice that promotes health, safety, best practice, and respect for copyright, Fair Use, and appropriate open access to resources.  

EDTECH 502: Credibility of Informational Texts WebQuest

EDTECH 502: Copyright and Fair Use Scavenger Hunt

Copyright and fair use are issues that every educator deals with almost daily.  It can be in the form of deciding what to use for lessons, suspected plagiarism in student work, or determining how best to incorporate credible research into your work.

The WebQuest exercise emphasizes how to determine what types of sources are credible and which are not.  It’s an important issue with the rise to prominence of Wikipedia and personal blogs.  The amount of information available to students is vast and grows every day. There are growing numbers of blogs and other websites that don’t undergo strict research or adherence to fact.  Many report on rumors and misinformation.  Not only do students need to know how to sift through this information to find credible sources for their projects, but they must be able to attribute it properly to the respective authors and creators.

The Copyright and Fair Use Scavenger Hunt guide students and educators on a path to learn more about copyright laws and procedures.  It also guides them to learn about fair use and how to use information in their own projects without violating copyrights.

The Webquest and the Copyright and Fair Use Scavenger Hunt are designed to provide that information to students in a positive manner and give them practice in determining best practices to information searching and use in their own work.  They demonstrate the ethics indicator in standard 3 because the promote a learning environment of ethics and respect when it comes to research and use of outside research in student projects.


3.6 Diversity of Learners: Candidates foster a learning community that empowers learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. 

EDTECH 512: Memoire – Blending the Lines Between What Happened and Imagination

The Memoire Course demonstrates my ability to foster a learning community that empowers learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities in many ways.  It encourages and requires participation in synchronous discussions of peer writing in a constructive and respectful environment that considers netiquette, differing cultures, and differing student backgrounds.  The very nature of memoire brings many different experiences together as students create writing based upon their own lives.  They then share their stories with each other.  In this type of course the students will bond and form a community that respects each other and learns about other cultures through reading each other’s personal narratives.  They will experience the memories and lives of their peers through each other’s writing and sharing.  They will also experience and interact with each other giving them the opportunity to experience other culture’s beliefs and values.  This type of course lends itself well to these goals and when conducted online, it will incorporate many different regions, cultures, and attitudes that may not be present in a traditional face to face classroom.



Candidates design, develop, implement, and evaluate technology-rich learning environments within a supportive community of practice.


4.1 Collaborative Practice: Candidates collaborate with their peers and subject matter experts to analyze learners, develop and design instruction, and evaluate its impact on learners. 

EDECH 543: Space, the MOOC

Collaboration with colleagues, supervisors, and other stakeholders is an active component in any educational setting and has been for quite few years.  It maximizes experience from many different sources and has huge potential benefits for students.  EDTECH 543 provided me the opportunity to collaborate with an intelligent and talented teacher outside of my discipline.  We created a MOOC (Massively Online Open Course) entitled, Space, the MOOC.  It was based upon the study of space and astronomy.  We both had the opportunity to step outside of our content areas to some extent and learn from each other.  This is one of the benefits of collaboration.  It also benefits students.  We designed units that took learners through the study of space from a historical perspective through modern day.  Our analysis of potential learners indicated that learners in this type of course would enjoy and benefit from the ability to choose which units they would like to participate in.  To this end, we designed instruction that did not require learners to participate in all units but only the ones in which they had interest.  We also designed the instruction to make use of modern Web 2.0 technologies like blogs, Facebook, and Twitter.  It was through this collaboration that many ideas were shared to benefit the course and its potential learners.

Space, the MOOC demonstrates collaboration with peers and subject matter experts by showing what can be accomplished.  I collaborated with a peer to create and develop this course.  As a team, we made decisions based upon learner analysis and designed instruction that incorporated collaboration and interaction not just as an isolated activity but as a guiding instructional philosophy throughout the course.


4.2 Leadership: Candidates lead their peers in designing and implementing technology- supported learning. 

EDTECH 502: Digital Communication with Students

EDTECH 521: Netiquette: Rules for Online Communication Within the Digital Classroom

The two projects listed for this indicator demonstrate my ability to lead a group of peers in the creation of guidelines to support learning through the creation of netiquette guidelines that facilitate smooth course operation and a safe and supportive learning environment.  The synthesis of the Netiquette Rules for Online Commination Within the Digital Classroom was a collaborative project with two other peers in EDTECH 521.  I took the lead in my group and organized the meetings and guided the creation of the guidelines.  We met via Gmail chat (the pre-cursor to Google Hangouts) and discussed various forms of netiquette.  I, then, created a document outlining what we agreed upon in our discussion.

For the Digital Communication with Students guidelines, I created this for fellow teachers at my school district.  It outlined some best practices and analyzed some potential tools to use for digitally communicating with students via Facebook, Google Voice, and WordPress for course related content and knowledge.

Both projects demonstrate my leadership abilities for supporting learning through technology and the proper use of technology as I took the initiative and lead my group and created content and guidelines for peers.


4.3 Reflection on Practice: Candidates analyze and interpret data and artifacts and reflect on the effectiveness of the design, development and implementation of technology-supported instruction and learning to enhance their professional growth.

EDTECH 503: Instructional Design Case Study – Spring Wells High School 

In EDTECH 503, as part of the preliminary actives, I was able to analyze a special case of technology integration that involved grant funding and technology planning at Spring Wells High School.  Questions were provided to guide my analysis.  After reading all the details of the case, I was able to answer the questions in a Case Study document.   The case involved a grant that had been awarded to Spring Wells High that was for training teachers in the use of technology.  The questions were designed to provoke thought and reflection upon the process and tools used at Spring Wells High.  The answers to the questions demonstrate my ability to analyze and interpret data and artifacts and reflect on the effectiveness of the design, development and implementation of instruction and learning designed to enhance professional growth because it allowed me to analyze and interpret data and specific scenarios at Spring Wells High school that were designed for teachers to learn and incorporate technology in their own practices.  I was able to reflect on the design, development, and implementation of their program.  The thought and analysis that I put in on this case study influence my own design for my instructional design project in this course and my future designs in the M.E.T. program.


4.4 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates design and implement assessment and evaluation plans that align with learning goals and instructional activities.

EDTECH 512: Evaluation Planning – Memoire Course

EDTECH 512: Task Object Assessment Item Blueprint – Memoire Course

The Memoire course was a giant task and as part of that project, I created an evaluation plan and a task object assessment blueprint which tracked learning objectives and paired it with types of language used to describe the objective from Bloom’s Taxonomy and with methods in which each objective could be assessed.  These documents were integral parts of the planning of this massive course and demonstrate indicator 4.4 in strong way.  They show how I can plan for evaluation and assessment and analyze learning goals and objectives.  The analysis shows how I can break down complex tasks into smaller, measurable objectives that demonstrate learning and growth in student work or the lack thereof.  Each task is aligned with specific learning goals and performance indicators that are part of the overall objectives of the course.  These goals link back the evaluation plan.  This type of planning is required for proper course design and demonstrates my competency and ability to design and implement assessment and evaluation plans aligned with learning goals and instructional activities.


4.5 Ethics: Candidates demonstrate ethical behavior within the applicable cultural context during all aspects of their work and with respect for the diversity of learners in each setting.

EDTECH 521: Essentials of Netiquette 

Ethics, the context of indicator 4.5 deals with the interactions with others in the online course world.  It requires a tolerance and willingness to interact with people from different backgrounds, regions, and cultures.  At its heart is Netiquette.  Netiquette is how we treat each other during our interactions online.  I created a lesson about Netiquette that I feel is appropriate and essential for every online course to follow.  I still use the information from this presentation and lesson in all of my online courses for Idaho Digital Learning.

This lesson shows my competency in demonstrating ethical behavior during all aspects of my work with respect for the diversity of learnings because it emphasizes treating everyone in a manner conducive to tolerance, understanding, and empathy during all aspects of work and interaction with each other while online.  It takes into account that everyone might be from vastly different cultures and sets forth a series of guidelines that will help everyone feel safe and comfortable, facilitate students in the process of getting to know and experience each other, and allows for the formation of the bond of community that will help their learning.



Candidates explore, evaluate, synthesize, and apply methods of inquiry to enhance learning and improve performance.


5.1 Theoretical Foundations: Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of the contribution of research to the past and current theory of educational communications and technology.

EDTECH 501: The Benefits of Technology in Secondary Education

EDTECH 501 was course designed to provide a survey and overview of the field of educational technology. As a final project, I wrote a paper that synthesized research form various sources about the benefits of technology in the junior and senior high schools.  It was an area of interest to me at the time as I was just starting my teaching career in a face to face school.  I was excited to implement strong educational technology in my own course.  The paper was titled, “The Benefits of Technology in Secondary Education” and allowed me to research many theories that helped to influence my own teaching.  It demonstrates my foundational knowledge of how research has contributed to the theory of educational technology as I incorporated studies and information that span the history of educational technology with a focus on modern advances since the explosion of the internet.  The sources and discussion included in the paper touch upon the history of educational technology and how it benefits education with an emphasis on secondary education. The paper demonstrates my knowledge of how educational technology has grown and evolved into the beneficial and growing force in today’s educational climate.


5.2 Method: Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance practice.

EDTECH 504: Learning Communities and the Online Classroom

Learning communities and the creation of those communities in the online classroom has been an area of high interest and focus for me in the M.E.T. program.  After making the transition from a face to face classroom to an online one, I’ve seen the need to foster and assist in the development of community that isn’t always necessary in a traditional setting.  The sense of community that develops in the face to face classroom can be an enormous asset to learning.  Finding ways to create this in the online classroom is particularly worthwhile to me.

EDTECH 504 afforded me the opportunity to review some studies about this topic and synthesize my thoughts in to a paper.  The research that I reviewed for this project provided me insights and strategies that I use in my courses at Idaho Digital Learning.

Learning Communities and the Online Classroom” demonstrate my competency in to apply research methodologies to enhance my practice  because I was able to take methods and information from research and apply it to my online courses to help solve the problem that a lack of natural community presents in the online classroom.


5.3 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and evaluating processes and resources for learning and performance.  

EDTECH 505: Evaluation Report – The Phase II Project

The needs assessment conducted in the Phase II Project looked at various metrics and data from agent’s time on the floor from when they left on-the-job training to 90 days on the call floor.

The metrics include data that measure call handle time, hold times, and time in-between calls.  The metrics also included productivity data (how often agents were on the phones when they were supposed to be) and proficiency data.

Through analysis of these metrics and data we were able to determine areas that might benefit from additional instruction and what type of instructional goals that might be appropriate to increase proficiency and productivity of all agents.  This type of data-based inquiry demonstrates my competence to apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and evaluating processes and resources for learning and performance.  It shows my ability to evaluate the current process and find methods to increase performance through targeted and specific learning activities.  The project was successful even before the implementation of the new learning modules since it identified areas that more instruction was needed.


5.4 Ethics: Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.

EDTECH 504: Building Community in Online Classrooms, an Annotated Bibliography

EDTECH 504 allowed me to explore the theoretical foundations of educational technology.  I was able to focus on areas of interest such as the establishment of community and student boding in online classrooms.  I created an annotated bibliography of resources that discuss research into the building community online.  Simply titled, “Building Community in Online Classrooms, an Annotated Bibliography”, it lists several resources that provide research on how to stimulate the formation of community in online environments.  In addition to listing the studies, I summarize and discuss each source.  I used APA style to display the entries on the list.  Many of the sources and ideas that I discovered in this bibliography were used in my research paper for this course.  The use of the APA style in shows a strong understanding of ethics as I conformed to conventional standards of citing sources and attributing work to proper authors.

This bibliography demonstrates ethics in the area of research as I comply with the established guidelines for citing research and reporting sources used.  I comply with APA style in my citations and in-text citations.




EDTECH 501 – Introduction to Educational Technology: Hutchison, Fall 2010

  1. Technology Use Plan: Bighorn County School District #4 – Standards 1.3, 3.4
  2. The Benefits of Technology in Secondary Education – Standards 5.1

EDTECH 502 – The Internet for Educators: Hung, Fall 2010

  1. Writing About Nature mQuest – Standard 1.2
  2. MLA Jigsaw Activity – Standard 1.2
  3. Copyright and Fair Use Scavenger Hunt – Standards 1.5, 3.5
  4. Color Blindness Accessibility Links Page – Standard 1.5
  5. Digital Communication With Students – Standard 4.2

EDTECH 503 – Instructional Design: Freed Fall 2011

  1. Citing Sources Correctly Using APA Style, ID Project – Standard 2.2
  2. Evaluation Plan and Report, ID Project – Standard 2.3
  3. Instructional Design Case Study – Spring Wells High School – Standard 4.3

EDTECH 504 – Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology: Hall, Spring 2014

  1. Learning Communities in the Online Classroom – Standard 5.2
  2. Building Community in Online Classrooms, an Annotated Bibliography – Standard 5.4

 EDTECH 505 – Evaluation for Educational Technologists: Thompson, Fall 2013

  1. Evaluation Report – The Phase II Project – Standards 1.4, 3.3, 5.3

EDTECH 512 – Online Course Design: Baek, Fall 2012

  1. Memoire: Blending the Lines Between What Happened and Imagination – Standards 2.4, 3.6
  2. Evaluation Planning: Memoire Course – Standard 4.4
  3. Task Object Assessment Item Blueprint – Memoire Course – Standard 4.4

EDTECH 513 – Multimedia: Hall, Spring 2012

  1. Formatting Book Entries for an MLA Works Cited Page – Multimedia Instruction – Standard 3.1

EDTECH 521 – Teaching Online in the K-12 Environment: Rice, Fall 2011

  1. The Interior Landscape – Asynchronous Lesson – Standard 2.1
  2. Netiquette: Rules for Online Communication Within the Digital Classroom – Standard 4.2
  3. Essentials of Netiquette Lesson – Standard 4.5

 EDTECH 522 – Online Teaching for Adult Learners:  Ching, Fall 2013

  1. Screen Writing, Module 2 – The Scene – Standard 1.1

EDTECH 523 – Advanced Online Teaching: Hinck, Spring 2012

  1. Building Relationships on a Call – Synchronous Lesson – Standard 3.2

 EDTECH 543 – Social Network Learning: Gerstein, Fall 2012

  1. Space, the MOOC – Standards 2.5, 4.1